Unless nerfed in some way, I suspect weapons with Vex or Cleave will become the "default" option for a lot of characters. Sap probably won't be very popular because of the severe weapon limitation. They're easy to resolve and will active far more often than the situational ones. Flex - basically about +1 damage to your attacks.ĭespite the fact that I think Graze and Flex are weak choices, I suspect they'll be popular ones.I suspect it will be one of the two options level 13+ fighters choose, in case they get a low roll. Graze - it's useful when fighting something with high AC, but the opportunity cost makes it weak.Very good with a ranged weapon to shoot and retreat. Slow - solid combat control to keep an enemy at range.Shove - slightly better than Slow, as it takes away opportunity attacks and breaks grapples.

Works really well with the initiative swap from Alert. Prone can be really useful depending on the character, group dynamics, and initiative order.

Nick - personally preferred no bonus action as core, but I understand why they did it.Sap - would be too good if it wasn't limited to 3 weapons.Cleave - a "free" attack with some limitations.Vex - this is too good IMO, since it creates a cascade, where each hit increases the chance of another hit.I'm sure people have preferences, but from a power level how do people feel about the different mastery options? My rankings below.