VIP Draven on patch 12.4 was an absolute menace and was destroying lobbies. This patch brings slight nerfs to VIP Draven but pretty big buffs to non-VIP Draven. Tank items should be placed on Morgana, leftover AP items can go on Orianna or Renata (if running Renata over Silco). With tank items, Ahri should be placed in the first or second row in order to tank aggro and heal back up, as well as allow for backline access.
#Tft meta comps 2022 free
Trade has had a bit of success with both builds but feel free to experiment to see what works best. She can either burst and one-shot enemies with items such as Blue Buff, Deathcap, and Giant’s Slayer, or she can drain tank and go infinite with items such as Quicksilver, Warmog’s, Gunblade, and Morello. This could be a very spicy (and potentially incorrect) prediction, but with buffs to Ahri, Braum, and Enchanters, it is likely that Ahri becomes extremely powerful next patch. TFT Patch 12.5 Tier List A Tier: Syndicate Ahri Ekko wants the utility items such as Frozen Heart and Morello, and Camille/Singed can hold all the tank items. Best-in-slot Twitch items are Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, and Runaan’s Hurricane or Giant’s Slayer, but any combination of AD items will work well on him. If not, level to 8 to slot in 5 Innovator. If close to Warwick and Zilean, continue rolling on 6 to three-star those. The comp is pretty simple: roll on 4/5 to three-star all the one costs. Twitch is one of the most dominant comps on 12.4 and is only being slightly nerfed in 12.5. If playing for tempo or contested, simply push level 8 and pivot the Senna items onto a different AD carry such as Jhin, Kha’Zix, Irelia, Draven, Sivir, Jinx, or Jayce. Roll on 7 to three-star Senna, Morgana, Ekko, and Gnar. If playing for tempo, this comp can be run with 5 Innovator instead (cut Gnar and Morgana for Jayce and Ezreal). This comp is definitely S+ with a back-row Socialite hex but is probably A/S- tier otherwise. Leftover AD items can go on Gnar, and leftover AP items can go on Orianna or Seraphine. Tank items should be stacked on Morgana and utility items such as Frozen Heart and Morello should be stacked on Ekko. Senna’s best-in-slot is probably Infinity Edge, Giant’s Slayer, and Guinsoo’s Rageblade but any combination of AD or mana items will work very well on her. Despite this, Senna will still probably be extremely strong given that Enchanters got buffed and that the comp was already dominating the meta on 12.4. Senna almost got untouched this patch as seen during Mort’s early patch rundown but ended up being nerfed right before the patch notes came live. If not, rush 8 to play 5 Debonair or 4 Assassin. If a player is close to three-starring the other units as well, stay 6/7 to finish them off. Leona should be itemized with all the tank items and Syndra can eat any leftover AP or Mana items. Ekko wants to be itemized with a Morello, Frozen Heart, and any other mana items. Talon’s best-in-slot items are Rapidfire Cannon, Infinity Edge, and Quicksilver, but items such as Giant’s Slayer, Deathcap, and Gunblade are all very good on him as well. This comp is probably still good without VIP Talon if given the right opener (good Talon items and an early Talon 2), but this comp is definitely S+ tier with a VIP Talon.

Not only is he untouched this patch, but Bodyguards got a slight buff, Brand got a small buff, Bramble vest got a nerf versus sins and basically every other comp in the game got knocked down a peg. VIP Talon is a comp that has already been dominating the meta on patch 12.4 when given the correct opener. This list is merely Trade’s best guess on what comps will be good on the first day use this list as a guide but be sure to experiment with different comps to find what works before everyone else does! TFT Patch 12.5 Tier List S Tier: VIP Talon Reroll

This patch will be a whole month long and as seen with all long patches, the meta will likely end up shifting around a few weeks in depending on what players find strong and what the counter to those comps are. Patch 12.5 brings a few nerfs to combat augments, buffs to Bodyguards, and a few other changes, likely shifting the meta away from a fast 8 Bruiser meta towards a potential reroll meta. (Trade is playing in the Innovator Cup on March 4 be sure to follow if you want to tune in!) His Twitch streams can be caught live here. Hey everyone, welcome back to another TGH Day TFT Patch 12.5 Tier List and meta prediction piece! This piece was written by Trade, currently ranked 3 on the NA ladder with ~1300 LP.